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Let's All Be Courageous!

Courageous is one word that is often used to describe Anne Miner. From the time she was a young girl in Elementary School, through to her University Days, Early Career Stages, and continuing on to her current Bonus Years, Anne has faced situations where courage was needed. Whether she is forging a path into the unknown, shouldering overwhelming responsibilities, acknowledging mistakes, grappling with life-threatening health events, trusting that others were better to lead, speaking up, advocating for herself and others, Anne has repeatedly demonstrated great courage. She has risen above the fear to succeed in spite of everything.

According to Bill Treasurer, author of "Courage Goes To Work," there are three types of courage:

1. TRY Courage

2. TRUST Courage

3. TELL Courage

1.TRY Courage is the courage of initiative and action. It is the courage to try something new, to face the unknown, to risk failure. It took "Try Courage" for Anne to take on stepmotherhood and start a company the same year; to challenge the status quo, to create proprietary methods and software tools, to engage with companies around the world as both clients and suppliers.

2. TRUST Courage is the courage to relinquish control and rely on others; to trust in the word, leadership, and actions of other people. This type of courage is very challenging to entrepreneurs and company owners. It is the courage to relinquish control, allow others to take on responsibilities, make mistakes, and trust that they will also deliver what is needed. Trust Courage allows you to be vulnerable too.

3. TELL Courage is the courage of “voice,” and involves speaking with candor and conviction, especially when your opinions run counter to the group’s. It is the courage to assert yourself, and to tactfully and truthfully provide tough feedback. Tell Courage also means telling others when you need help!

Mark Twain tells us that, "With courage, you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity."

To honor courage and the role it plays in her life, Anne created a Manifesto of Courage which I share with you today.


Anne Miner's Manifesto of Courage

When the dark days come, as they sometimes will

You feel overwhelm, and life's all uphill,

You feel the doubt and you feel the fear

that's the very moment when courage will appear.

It takes great courage to face that fear,

to set it aside, and let your thoughts become clear.

Focus your resources, your values, and beliefs;

use your imagination to create new possibilities.

Look in your virtual backpack for all that you need,

and use the law of attraction to help you succeed.

All around you others experience fear too;

look up and connect so they can encourage and support you

Your community will help if they are aware;

a smile, a hug, a kind word will show you they care.

In every set back that appears on your way,

there is an opportunity to create a new day

And, when the days look brighter and your path becomes clear,

remember the darkness, remember the fear

when courage emerged to help keep you strong

now, look for a way to pass your experience along!


Let's all be courageous, Thursday people!

1 Comment

Patricia Gagic
Mar 18, 2021

Courage is something we all need. I love your posts Anne!!!

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