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Farewell to Edna ...

Edna Tips has decided to take a trip south and she is not sure she will return to Canada. While I am sad to see her go, I am honoured that together we published more than 110 stories since launching in July 2020.

Please join me in thanking Edna for all her contributions and wishing her a fond farewell as she heads south for a happy and restful sun holiday!

Looking forward, I have decided to take a break to consider the future of Thursdays with Anne.

Earlier this week, a colleague encouraged me to use my own voice; she said she wanted, “More of Anne” than she felt she was getting through Edna.

I would welcome your feedback too.

There are three areas where I would appreciate your perspective dear readers:

  1. Would you prefer that I look for another partner like Edna or would you prefer that I carry on alone?

  2. Thursdays with Anne was fashioned after “Tuesdays with Morrie” where the author, Mitch Album, interviewed Morrie Schwartz every Tuesday. If I continue on alone, is the title Thursdays with Anne appropriate or would you suggest something else?

  3. Would you prefer to continue with written stories or is it time to switch to podcasts?

I will gratefully receive your candid feedback!

Please comment below, email: or call me at 416-804-2023.

Thank you so very much! I look forward to hearing from you!

Watch for the next chapter early in December.

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© 2020 by Edna Tips

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